Ingrain Woodworks


Branding in the most literal sense. When master woodworker, Jason Thomas, decided it was time to up his professional appearance in a sea of hobbists he knew just who to turn to. Yeah of course…ERRØR TO THE THRONE.

Initially Jason started down the path of using his initials to brand his business but with my urging we stepped outside of the box. It was Jason who (after many brainstorming sessions) landed upon Ingrain. As soon as I heard it, I loved it & got to work.

I immediately saw Ingrain’s logo to be very industrial with hard angles and minimal curves. You can see that reflected in the logomark which subtly “ingrains” an I inside of a G.

We needed a logo that conveyed, “Hey! This ain’t particle board & plastic. We’re building things that Ron Swanson would be proud of.”


the badge layout

What better way to brand your work than with a custom branding iron. Thanks to Budget Brandings for the iron.


Slide for more variations →

swag sighting

Also we had to take this opportunity to make really bad puns.

Slide for more →

Thanks for reading.


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